Monday, November 16, 2009

NO TROOP SURGE IN AFGHANISTAN! How about some peace with that Nobel Prize?!

PROTEST: Tuesday, December 1, 2009
RALLY: 11:45 AM, WWU Red Square
MARCH: 12:45 PM

Initiated by the Bellingham Socialist Alternative, co-sponsored by Whatcom
Peace & Justice Center, and endorsed by Food Not Bombs.

President Obama will be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize on December 10th --
he is leaning toward sending more troops to Afghanistan, escalating the war!
After 8 years of war, $228 billion has been sunk into Afghanistan, 920 U.S.
soldiers have been killed and thousands wounded, and thousands of Afghan
civilians have been killed or permanently disabled.

--Do NOT send more troops into an unjust, unwinnable war!
--Bring all the troops home from Iraq and Afghanistan NOW!
--Money for jobs and education, not war!

* Please forward this email widely! * Go to and click on
ACTIONS to find out what else you can do TODAY.

For more information, contact Ramy Khalil of the Bellingham Socialist
Alternative at, or Marie at the Whatcom Peace &
Justice Center at (360) 734-0217. Other organizations are invited to be
co-sponsors of this event-- just contact us.

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