Saturday, May 22, 2010

Hooray for Sen. Cantwell. (Be sure to send her thx).

Firedoglake's David Dayen says Lincoln is phony on derivatives reform: "And while Maria Cantwell was trying to make sure that Lincoln's derivatives legislation didn't pass with a massive loophole contained in it, Lincoln happily voted with the majority to move the bill. She wouldn't fight for her own amendment to fix her own signature piece of the legislation. And her post-passage statement makes no mention of this loophole...It's very clear that Cantwell, not Lincoln, was the driving force behind the derivatives title. According to Business Week, Lincoln couldn't even defend her own derivatives proposal at a Democratic caucus meeting, and Cantwell had to step in and bail her out. Lincoln was clearly fed the strong language, when she was planning a much weaker proposal with Saxby Chambliss (R-GA), to project an image of a populist Wall Street reformer for her suddenly tough primary challenge from Bill Halter.

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